Thursday 5 April 2018

Small investment for child education as good as Rs.11 a day...

Parents are always thinking about child education as primary goal. They plan insurance and mutual funds and various market link policies to manage the future expenditure. It’s really good and motivating.

I am brining your attention to small investment which is needed to build the foundation. The future building can be develop only if child has solid knowledge foundation. Like mutual fund are subject to market fluctuations, students’ knowledge gap is risk which can bring down future progress of student in future. Invest in right tool which will help them bridge knowledge gap and bring excellence. The world is changing, so is the education landscape. We have self-driven car, we have modern day cell phone, we have high level of personalized services in all field. Then why education is not personalized, yet. The learning needs of each student and different, attention span of each student is different. As parents we are investing for future, invest building the foundation for future, invest to ensure knowledge gap are filled.

APlusChamps Math’s Doctor is offering a unique assessment module to access the student knowledge gap from current and previous academic years at very affordable and flexible price for benefit of students. Our advance tutor creates individualized learning plan which is custom for your child, which ensures that the knowledge gaps are covered. Our philosophy goal is to improve long term memory of students, which will help in building the confidence of the student. This is also evident by our 500,000+ users world-wide, and 1000+ affiliated schools all over.

APlusChamps is offering this adaptive and self-paced learning program for your child at very affordable and flexible price. As small as Rs.11/- a day can give great boost building child knowledge foundation. This is indicating pricing based on various minimum three months learning plan. Ask us for various plan. You can start anytime, anywhere....

So, what are you thinking? Think beyond the class room based learning. Investment smartly and equip your children and students with millennium tools. Your small investment in educational tool can help them achieve future goals. 

Login to Stress free learning at APlusChamps.

Tuesday 3 April 2018

Summer camp english

Learning english is more than studying words and phrases. We see it as a chance to explore new ideas and develop communication skills that will take you around the world.
We have designed curriculum to help students who need to improve their written English.
We cover essay writing skills, research skills, speaking, grammar and vocabulary for written English.
Improve the formation of coherent arguments and structure in formal essay writing
Explore a range of writing styles. The program benefits significantly improving their written English.
It benefit student improve confidence when using English language - both written and spoken.

Vacation and learning